Yuwa Balya

Hello, how are you?
What To Bring To School
Water Bottle
A health, recess snack (that I like)
A healthy lunch (that I like)
Crunch & sip (fruit/veg snack)
A Sunsmart hat
Spare Clothes
Label everything

Learning to Read

Reading to your child is enjoyable and valuable.
Home Reading: During term 1 your child will bring home a 'comprehension reader' on Fridays in their homework bag (large, tartan pencil case with 2 zips). This book is for an adult to read to your child.
This picture book will have a 'speech' label on the front cover and is different to their library book.
Inside the front cover are instructions on how to support your child's comprehension with various questions on some pages.
Decodable word lists and/or decodable reading books will be sent home in term 2 or as your child is assessed as ready academically and emotionally.
Library day is Wednesday.
We aim to encourage a love of reading.
Talk and listen to your child every day.
Model being an attentive listener.
Plan and rehearse NEWS with your child.
We will not have a special news day each week however keep a look out for speaking and listening homework that is linked to various learning areas.
We aim to support confident speakers and independent thinkers.
Why handwriting is important
Handwriting is an essential life skill.
For example, children who can write smoothly and clearly are better able to use writing to record thoughts and ideas. When handwriting is automatic, ideas can flow. Children also need to write for many school lessons and tasks.
Handwriting skills help children develop reading and spelling skills. Handwriting also helps with the ability to recall and remember information.
And, we need handwriting skills to do many tasks later in life, like writing birthday cards, filling in forms and signing important documents.
Ref: 2006-2025 Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited

HASS - History & Social Science

We study History in Semester 1 and investigate:-
The people in their family, where they were born and raised, and how they are related to each other.
The celebrations and commemorations of significant events shared with their families and others.
In Semester 2 we learn about Geography:-
The features of familiar places that we belong to, why some places are special and how places can be looked
after. -
The importance of Country/Place to First Nations Australians and the Country/Place where we live.