Kindergarten Blue and Red
Welcome to North Kalgoorlie Kindergarten. My name is Margaret Miller and I am the teacher for Red and Blue Groups at North Kalgoorlie Kindergarten in 2025. I love working at North Kalgoorlie Primary School and I believe that our biggest strength is the wonderful parents and children who make up our school community.
I have been teaching for 38 years and have been lucky enough to have been a part of the wonderful team at North Kalgoorlie Primary School for 28 years. The bulk of my teaching experience has been in Pre-Primary and Kindergarten. I find teaching and working with young children and their families to be an extremely rewarding profession. I love the energy and enthusiasm that little people bring to class with them each and every day and feel very privileged to be a part of their exciting learning journey through Kindergarten.
Kindergarten Staff 2025
Miss Margaret Miller
Mrs Janice McConnell
Sports Teacher
Mr Mitchell Stuart
Education Assistants
Ms Stacey Kemp
Ms Kandice Chaplin
Mrs Leah Corrie
This term our class will be learning about nursery rhymes, ourselves and our families.
Term 1 is a settling in term for children as we introduce them to school routines and behaviours. We will be developing our sense of belonging at school with the focus being on our ability to listen, follow instructions, speak clearly and to treat others with respect. We will be introducing rhyme through songs and chants, listening to environmental sounds and asking children to identify how many syllables are in words. We will also be working on name recognition and the development of our fine motor skills.
The focus for Maths is number and the principles of counting. We will be working on recognising and reciting numbers to 5 and using 1-1 correspondence when counting out small collections. We will be making simple patterns, recognising shapes and colours and comparing collections of objects as to which has more or less. We will also be exploring the skill of “subitising” by using dice to play lots of fun and exciting games.
Public Holiday Monday March 3rd 2025: Students do not attend Kindy on this day (Blue Group)
Staff Development Day: Friday 28th February 2025: Students do not attend Kindy on this day. (Red Group)
Name Writing Challenge Blue Group: Wednesday 12th March 2025.
Name Writing Challenge Red Group: Thursday 13th March 2025
Easter Hat Parade-Blue Group: Monday 7th April 2025
Easter Hat Parade-Red Group: Tuesday 8th April 2025
(Notes will go out to parents about the above events later in the term.)
Wednesday 9th April: Last day of Term One 2025 (Blue Group)
Friday 11th April: Last day of Term One 2025 (Red Group)